Marcia Mcleod
1/3Ā Emotional Generator
MeetĀ Marcia Mcleod
Hi, I'm Marcia, a passionate advocate for personal growth. My journey into Human Design began when I found myself struggling in life, I felt extremely unfulfilled and stuck, despite meeting all the societal expectations. The worst part was I didn't know how to articulate it without being made to feel like I was strange or ungrateful.
In my pursuit of self-discovery, I stumbled upon Human Design, a beacon of clarity amidst my inner confusion. It illuminated the areas of my conditioning, providing a personalised roadmap to my authentic self. As someone dedicated to serving ambitious women, I understand the struggles of feeling unfulfilled and lacking clarity but also the fear of judgment that accompanies that. I'm on a mission to help others gain the same transformative insights that empowered me.
Through personalised Human Design guidance, I assist women in gaining clarity, direction, and a profound understanding of self, boosting their self-confidence to live unapologetically as themselves. My purpose is rooted in the impact Human Design had on my life, I'm driven to inspire others to navigate their unique paths with confidence.
Mini, Foundational and Advance Human Design Readings, 1:1 Coaching, Group Coaching